Informal settlement fire safety

Stellenbosch University, in partnership with the Western Cape Government, Lloyd’s Register Foundation and Kindling, have produced a suite of training materials to enhance fire safety in informal settlements. The materials below have been produced to help communities, NGOs, fire departments and households in becoming more fire safe. The work consists of a detailed guideline, a series of training videos, brochures (in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa) and posters.

Fire safety engineering guideline for informal settlements

Fire Safety engineering cover

This work aims to improve informal settlement fire safety through a holistic understanding of: (a) the science of fire behaviour, (b) the application of fire safety engineering, (c) an understanding of the social realities of inhabitants, (d) an acknowledgement of the complexity of addressing the problems in settlements, and (e) a realisation of the limited resources available. We want to know: How can we maximise the limited resources available?

Training videos

Informal settlement and backyard fires: ‘Our burning nation’

Understanding fire science: A spark becomes a disaster

Community engagement: How should we partner and engage with communities to improve fire safety?

Fighting informal settlement and backyard fires – From alarms to fire trucks

Backyard dwellings and fire safety

Making informal settlement homes more fire resistant

Moving forward: To safer informal settlement and backyard communities


Fire Safety in informal settlements

High resolution brochures for professional printing

Low resolution for home printing

Posters for community engagement and awareness: